Full Name
D.O.B (DD / MM / YYYY)
School Year (SEPT 2023)
Select Football League Select Football League U9s ( school years 2, 3 & 4 ) U10s ( school years 4, 5 & 6 ) U13s ( school years 6, 7 & 8 )
Any Medical Condition
Emergency Contact Name
Emergency Contact Phone
Club Name
Full Name (Responsible of Club)
Mobile No (Responsible of Club)
Full Name (Parent / Guardian)
Mobile No
Disclaimer Disclaimer We, the undersigned, agree to abide by the rules of the Ansar Football League and declare that all the information entered on the sheet is correct. We understand that any person found to have falsified registration information will become subject to league disciplinary action. In addition to this, we are also aware that the Ansar Madrassa Football League / or the Madrassa named above are excluded from all liability or responsibility for any loss or damage, however or whatever caused. We also agreed with all the terms and conditions and policies of the Ansar Madrassa Football League. MSF takes data privacy very seriously and ensures that it is stored, handled and processed in compliance with data protection law and our policies and practices. I confirm that I consent to sharing personal data in this form with Muslim Sports Foundation (‘MSF’) for data processing in relation to this application. For further information about the way your privacy notice which is available on our website. Permission for pictures to be taken and used for the promotion of the Ansar Madrassa Football League and not to be shared with any third party organisation. I do not hold the organisers responsible for any claim arising out of any injury to my child except to the extent and in the amount covered by any Personal Accident Insurance Policy arranged by the Madrassa Football League.
Signature (type name)
Date (DD / MM / YYYY)
Time (00:00)
13 + 4 =